Bourbons Qualk - God with Us
Brenda Ray - The Scream
Erdbeerschnitzel - Fendrick
Vito Ricci - Cross Court
Apparat - First Eror
Ancestral Voices - Invocations
Herva - Radio's Mutterings
Best Available Technology - Rain Wind Sunset
COÀGUL - L´Edat De Ferro
Apparat - Steinholz
Hotel Conventional - Callow
Sons of Melancholia - Catch the Bells
CP / BW - Bored Hurt
Tracy Widdens - Cream Cycle
Hanz - Count
Víctor Nubla - Lim
Eric Fjord - Copparo
Euclid - 6373
Leo Abrahams - Dual
Machine Woman - Liquid Metal
Isolde Touch - Standard Deviation
Rabin - Fetal
Lumisokea - Uroboros
Ondness - Heaven's Gate Recuerdos
Arovane & Hior Chronik - Wunderland (Herr Irisarri Remix)
Sunday Painters - Rebel Rebel
Morgan Fisher - Foreign Correspondent